Create A Database In Excel For Mac 2011

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Hi, I am new in the forum. Thanks for the outstanding forum on the Planet for the Excel Lovers. I am using Microsoft EXCEL MAC 2011 Version 14.0 Need AutoIncrement Invoice and AutoSave Invoice Number Copy Pasting the reference code below, Changed the Range as per my xlsm but showing Red while running. Watched the video but didnt helped out. Resonic player for mac. I merged B12-C-13 to make a common Cell B12.Didnt worked 2. Unmerged and run the code. Didnt worked.

Path for auto save cant work as its for Windows, need code for the path for MAC 4.After three month, we have to submit sales tax in India so need database for all the invoice. Need Description, Amount, CST, Sub Total, Grand Total automatically saved for all the invoice into 1 excel sheet so that we can calculate VAT easily. 4.Need Invoice Increment in the form of Text Date and Number Like ED/0001/Jun14. ED/0002/Jun14.ED/0074/Jul14.ED/0108/Aug14.ED/1256/Mar15.ED/0001/Apr15 --------> Financial year start in April so Invoice get reset back to 0001 5. I can get the sales Report every three month and can calculate for term end at April every year. So Need New Excel automatically create Description Field, Amount, CST, Sub Total, Total for all the invoice. HELP ME OUT GUYS.

Below is the code i used for reference and changes according to my spreadsheet. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Macro #1: Generate the next invoice number Sub NextInvoice() Range(“E5″).Value = Range(“E5″).Value + 1 Range(“A20:E39″).ClearContents End Sub Macro #2: Save invoice with new name Sub SaveInvWithNewName() Dim NewFN As Variant ‘ Copy Invoice to a new workbook ActiveSheet.Copy NewFN = “C:aaaInv” & Range(“E5″).Value & “.xlsx” ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs NewFN, FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbook ActiveWorkbook.Close NextInvoice End Sub.

Create User Form (Excel Mac 2011).mp4. Create User Form (Excel Mac 2011).mp4. Setup Database in Excel - Duration. How to create forms in word (mac) - Duration. How to: Create Web query files for use with Excel for Mac. Web queries allow you to query data from a specific World Wide Web, Internet, or intranet site and retrieve the information directly into a Microsoft Excel worksheet.