Make Your Own Zip File Download For Free On Mac 2018

Make Your Own Zip File Download For Free On Mac 2018 Rating: 3,0/5 3693 reviews

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Tip • Just double-click a zip file on a Mac computer to uncompress it and browse it like a normal folder. Uncompress Files on a Mac Zip files are a standardized way to bundle multiple files and folders and compress them, so they take up less space.

They're commonly used for email attachments, sending files through chat services, and downloading large collections of files such as software or photos. If you have a zip file on a Mac that you've created or someone has sent to you, and you want to open the zip folder, you only need to double-click it.

Make Your Own Zip File Download For Free On Mac 2018

The file uncompresses in its current folder, and the uncompressed version appears as a normal Mac folder that you can browse. Make sure you have space on your computer's drive because unzipped folders take up more space than the zip file itself. You can also download or buy third-party programs for your Mac that can help you manage zip files and other compressed file formats, but unless you need a special feature, that's not necessary. Use the Command Line If you're a habitual command line user, you might find it convenient to unzip files using the MacOS Terminal. To do so, use the 'cd' command to navigate to the folder where the zip folder is and then type 'unzip' followed by the name of the zip file to unzip it.

As with double-clicking, an uncompressed copy of the zip file is created in its current folder. Compress Files on a Mac If you're sending someone a large file or collection of files, you may want to make your own zip files on a Mac. This process is relatively easy and can be done using built-in tools, similar to opening zip files. Hold down the 'Control' key and click a file or folder, or click its icon with the right mouse button if you have one on your mouse. Hold down the 'Command' key and click multiple files and folders if you want to select them all to include in a zip file, and then hold the 'Control' key and click to access the file options menu. In the menu, click 'Compress' to create a zip file with the files or folders that you selected.

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