How To Create A Custom Sort List In Excel For Mac
Excel has the ability to sort using custom lists, and you can use these same lists to sort your pivot tables in a custom order. Let’s take a look. Before we sort out pivot table using a custom list, let’s first review how to sort by a custom list generally. Custom lists are useful when you want to order a list into a sequence that is not alphabetical. For example, here we have a list of four regions. We can easily sort these regions alphabetically in ascending or descending order. But what if we want to sort them from west to east.
Learn everything you need to master the Mac 2016 version of the world's most popular spreadsheet program. Curt Frye provides a comprehensive overview of Excel for Mac 2016, including manipulating. In the popup menu, click Sort, then click Custom Sort. In the Sort dialog box, select the Day column in the Sort By box. From the Order drop down, select Custom List. At the top of the Sort dialog box, click Options. In the Options dialog box, under Orientation, select Sort Left to Right. Click OK, to close the Options dialog box.
In that case, we need them to appear in this order: West, Midwest, South, and East. Let’s create a second list in that order. Now we have our custom list, but to be able to use it for sorting, we need to define it properly as a custom list.
To do that, navigate to the custom list area at File, Options, Advanced. In the General, section, click the Edit Custom lists button. Next, select the list on the worksheet, and click the Import button. You’ll see the new list appear to the left. Click OK twice to return to the worksheet. Now, when we used advanced sorting, we can use our custom list to sort Back in our pivot table, we need to make sure that custom lists are enabled.
Right click anywhere in the pivot table, and select PivotTable options. Then select the Totals and Filters tab, and make sure that Use Custom lists is checked. Now when we select a region and sort, the pivot table automatically sorts regions in the order defined in our custom list. And if we clear and rebuild out pivot table from scratch, regions are sorted by the custom list we created automatically.
You can sort by several columns by adding levels of sorting criteria. For example, you could sort a sales report by region, then by date, and then by salesperson.
Each sort level is represented by a single row in the Sort dialog box. • Click a cell in one of the columns that you want to sort. • On the Data tab, select Sort.
• If your data has a header row, select the My list has headers check box. But if the data does not have a header row, clear the My list has headers check box.
• In the row next to Sort by, under Column, click the blank space, and then click the column that you want to sort. • Under Sort On in the same row, click Values, and then on the shortcut menu, click the criteria that you want. You can also choose to sort based on cell or font color, or on the icon in a cell. • Under Order in the same row, click A to Z, and then on the shortcut menu, click the criteria that you want. Note: This procedure can't be performed in a table. To remove table formatting so that you can sort by rows, on the Table tab, select Convert to Range.
• Click a cell in the row that you want to sort. • On the Data tab, select Sort. • If your data has a header row, select the My list has headers check box. But if the data does not have a header row, clear the My list has headers check box. • Click Options. • Under Orientation, click Sort left to right, and then click OK.
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