How To Edit Pdf File In Word 2011 For Mac
Sep 03, 2011 In addition to Taz's answer the PDF can only be converted if it was originally a Text Document. If it was a Graphic to start, you may not be able to convert. AdobeX is much better at Converting PDF's and has added support of.docx format.
Recently, I had to take a few pages out of a PDF document and put them into a Word document that I needed to send to a client. In the process of doing so, I figured out a few ways that you can go about inserting a PDF document into a Word document and that’s what I’m going to explain here! If you have ever used different versions of Microsoft Office, you probably have felt the pain of dealing with features being moved around or features being removed completely. Even though Microsoft doesn’t keep everything consistent between versions, the process of inserting a PDF file is pretty much the same.
I’ll explain the process for the Mac version (2011), which is slightly different, and for several of the latest releases of Office for PC (2007, 2010, 2013). One big issue with the whole process is inserting multiple page PDFs into a Word document. Inserting a single page is easy enough, but when your PDF has more than one page, Word fails miserably. Ppt for mac problem the image part with relationship rld3 was not found in the file. Apparently, when you insert an object into Word it cannot span more than one page and that’s why when you try to insert a multi-page PDF file, it only shows the first page. There are two ways you can go about fixing this: one is to convert the whole PDF into a Word document itself and then insert or the second way is to convert each page of the PDF into an image and then insert the images into your Word doc.
Best weather program for iphone. Depending on your PDF, converting to Word usually messes up the original layout of the PDF. The best option is to convert to images, which I explain below. Converting Multiple Page PDFs to JPG Before we get into actually inserting files into a Word doc, let’s go over how to convert a multiple page PDF into image files, namely the JPG format. You can also save out to PNG or TIFF format, which could get you more crispness in the text. There are some free ways and some paid ways, so it depends on how often you do this and what software you already have. Adobe Acrobat Full If you have the full version of Adobe Acrobat, then you can simply do a Save As or Save As Other and choose TIFF, PNG or JPG as the file type for the output. Acrobat will automatically convert each page into a separate image file, which you can then insert into your Word doc.
Pretty easy, but Adobe Acrobat costs a lot, so not an option for most people. SnagIt There is a program from TechSmith called SnagIt that lets you capture screenshots and screencasts of your desktop on a Windows PC or Mac. The Windows version also has a printer capture utility that lets you capture the print output from any other program. So you can print your PDF file to the SnagIt printer and it will convert each page into an image automatically. Unfortunately the Mac version does not yet support this option. SnagIt is $50, but it’s still a lot cheaper than Adobe Acrobat. PDF2JPG A nice free way to convert your PDF pages into JPG images is to use the online conversion tool.