Word For Mac How To Go To Top Of Page
When you create a large table in Microsoft Word that spans multiple pages, you'll find on the second and subsequent pages that the table headings don't repeat. In this lesson you'll learn how to configure one or more rows of your table to repeat at the top of the page for every page on which your table appears.
This lesson applies to tables in Microsoft Word 2010 for Windows and Word 2011 for Mac (as well as Word 2007 for Windows). Configure the headings row of a Microsoft Word table to repeat on every page This lesson assumes you have already created a table in Microsoft Word, and formatted the first row as the heading for the table. This is the row that should appear on each page the table appears on. To configure the first row of your table to repeat on each page, follow these steps: • Right-click inside the first row of the table and choose Table Properties • In the Table Properties screen, click the Row tab if it is not already selected.
Github for mac. Word 2016’s Go To command allows you to send the insertion pointer to a specific page or line or to the location of a number of interesting items that Word can potentially cram into your document. The Go To command is your word-processing teleporter to anywhere.
• Select the option to Repeat as header row at the top of each page • Click OK to confirm your selection. • Be aware that you won't notice any difference to your table if the table doesn't currently span more than one page. You may want to add extra rows to the table just to be sure. Note that you can choose more than one row in your table. This means that multiple rows from the top of your table will repeat on each page.
If you want to configure more than one row as the heading for your table, simply select the first row and any additional rows, then repeat the steps above. Note that you can select as many rows as you want, but you MUST include the first row of the table for this to work. We welcome your comments and questions about this lesson. We don't welcome spam. Our readers get a lot of value out of the comments and answers on our lessons and spam hurts that experience.
Our spam filter is pretty good at stopping bots from posting spam, and our admins are quick to delete spam that does get through. We know that bots don't read messages like this, but there are people out there who manually post spam. I repeat - we delete all spam, and if we see repeated posts from a given IP address, we'll block the IP address. So don't waste your time, or ours. Hi Phil Hard to say without having a look at your document. Which version of Word are you using?
Is it possible you've got rows with lots of content that won't fit on a single page? That's the only scenario I can imagine where rows would break despite this setting. That said - it will only apply the setting to the rows you have selected.
Make sure you have the whole table selected and then try enabling it. As for the first row not repeating, make sure that is the only row selected when you enable that option. If you want to send me the document to review, let me know. Submitted by Avani on Thu, - 12:32. Actually there is a small trick, this is what I did.
I created a table with contents spaned beyond one page. First step: select the top row which has titles for the rows, right click, select the row option and check the repeat header as mentioned in the tip. You will immediately see the top row repeating in the next page.