Writing Batch File For Copying Files On Mac
Hi Guys, I forgot to mention the is my fist 2 weeks of exposure to 'batch programming':p sooo I am a total newbie.,but I WANT TO LEARN! Thanks for the replies! I learned a few things. Here is my code i used, but this only works for a single folder, and won't find anything in a subfolder: ------------------------------- @echo off title message echo Make sure the textfile is correct before you continue set/p 'pass=Press enter.' Set LIST='C: Users user Desktop Testing Search.txt' set FILESPATH='C: Users user Desktop Testing' for%%i in (%LIST%) do set DEST=%%~ni for /F 'usebackq delims=='%%i in (%LIST%) do (call:COPY_FILES '%%i') exit:COPY_FILES xcopy /qv%FILESPATH%%1.%DEST% * --------------------------------------- It work 100%, but need to check inside sub folders as well. Hi I used your @Echo Off cls set dest=C: Search Dest%uFEFF set i=1 for /f%%f in (in.txt) do ( for /f 'tokens=*'%%F in ('dir /S /B /A:-D '%%f') Do ( copy '%%F' '%dest%' ) ) and it worked perfectly on my pc, i had the batch file and the in.txt file in the same place but when i tried to do in on a networked server i.e i changed dest to servers share folder1 folder2 the batch file kept saying 'the system can not filnd file in in.txt' i don't think it was looking at txt file! I do understand how it works perfectly on my pc but not on network location.
A Detailed Guide to Automate File Backup Using Batch Files on Windows. And your selection depends on what it is you need to move or copy: XCOPY: Copies files and folders to a different location. We can add some more commands to the end of the initial one to output the result to a text file. Why can't i see my contacts in skype for mac.